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2014 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient

Samuel Bowles, (PhD, Economics, Harvard University) is Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute where he heads the Behavioral Sciences Program. He taught economics at Harvard from 1965 to 1973 and since then at the University of Massachusetts,  where he is now emeritus professor and at the University of Siena from 2002 to 2010.  His recent studies on cultural and genetic evolution have challenged the conventional economic assumption that people are motivated entirely by self-interest. These have included the mathematical modeling and agent-based computer simulations of the evolution of altruistic behaviors and behavioral experiments in 15 hunter-gather and other small-scale societies. Recent papers have also explored how organizations, communities and nations could be better governed in light of the fact that altruistic and ethical motives are common in most populations. Bowles' current research also includes theoretical and empirical studies of political hierarchy and wealth inequality and their evolution over the very long run.

His scholarly papers have appeared in Science,  Nature, New Scientist, American Economic Review, Theoretical Population Biology, Games and Economic Behavior,  Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Behavioral and Brain Science, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Journal of Public Economics, Theoretical Primatology, Proceedings of the National Academy (USA),  Harvard Business Review, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Current Anthropology,  and the Economic Journal.

His Castle Lectures at Yale University, Machiavelli’s Mistake: Why good laws are no substitute for good citizens, will be published in 2013 by Yale University press. His recent books include A Cooperative Species: Human reciprocity and its evolution (Princeton University Press, 2011), The new economics of inequality and redistribution, (Cambridge University Press, 2012),  Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions and Evolution (Princeton University Press, 2004),  Moral Sentiments and Material Interests: the Foundations of Cooperation in Economic Life (MIT Press, 2005), Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success (Princeton 2004),  Poverty Traps (Princeton 2006), Inequality, Cooperation and Environmental Sustainability (Princeton 2005), Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution (Princeton, 2006), Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence in 15 Small-scale Societies. (Oxford University Press. 2004) and Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command and Change (Oxford 2004).

He has also served as an economic advisor to the governments of Cuba, South Africa and Greece, to presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy and Jesse Jackson, to the Legislature of the State of New Mexico, to the Congress of South African Trade Unions, and to South African President Nelson Mandela.

Bowles= webpage is: http://www.santafe.edu/~bowles


AFEE James H. Street Scholar 2014



PhD in Economics
Professor and Researcher of Finance, Development and Feminist Economics Areas at the Faculty of Economics and Research Economics Institute,  Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM).

Member of the National Academy of Science
Member of the Mexican Academic Women Federation
Member of the National Science-Researchers System,  Level III.
Member of the Mexican Academy of Political Economy (Vice-president 2013)
Member of the Association for Evolutionary Economics
Member of the International Association of Feminist Economics

Award National University in Economic Research, UNAM. 2006
Distinguished fellowship of the International Society of Intercommunication of New Ideas, 2001
Award in Economy Research Silva Herzog,  1992 and 1996.
More than 110 articles in scientific journals and books.

Last five years of publications


- “Financialization in México: Trayectory and Limits”, with Wesley Marshall and G. Vidal. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 35(2): Winter 2012-13, Ed. Sharpe, NY. pp. 255-275.

- “Fiscal Policies and the World Financial Crisis: Understanding the Experience of Three Major Latin American Countries”, International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 41, No. 2, Summer 2012. Ed. Sharpe, NY. Pp. 82-97.

- "A critical view of the World Bank's climate change agenda and financial reform in Latin America”, with Wesley Marshall, Studies on Political Economy Journal. Winter-Spring 2012. Pp-39-58

- “Financialization and Global Financial Crisis”, with Gregorio Vidal, in Journal of Economics Issues, Vol. XLV I No. 2 June 2012.  Pp.541-548.
ISSN 0021−3624/2011

- “ México, Crisis Económica y Financiera“ Revista Ola Financiera, No. 6, mayo-agosto de 2010. Pp. 83-104

- “Differing Effects of the Global Financial Crisis: Why Mexico Has Been Harder Hit than Other Large Latin American Countries” with G. Vidal and W. Marshall. Bulletin of Latin American Research (2010) Society for Latin American Studies. Published by Blackwell Publishing, UK.

- “Estancamiento Económico y Políticas Pro-cíclicas”, Revista Economía Informa, núm. 362, enero-febrero 2010. Facultad de Economía, UNAM. Pp. 40-47.

- “Cambios en la Estructura Financiera en América Latina: los casos de Brasil, México y Argentina“ with G. Vidal and P. Rodriguez Revista Economiaz, no. 72, Revista Vasca de Economía. Universidad del País Vasco. España, 2009. pp. 198-223.

- “Reformas agotadas. América Latina: hacia una Cooperación Financiera Regional con Monedas Nacionales Soberanas”, Trayectorias, no. 28, enero-junio 2009. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Pp. 23-37

- “The U.S. Financial Crisis and Its North American Free Trade Agreement Linkages“, with Mario Seccareccia, Internacional Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 38, Núm. 2. Ed. Sharpe, NY, 2009. Pp. 70-99.

- “La sociedad opulenta y la crítica a la teoría económica”, Revista Ola Financiera, no. 2, enero-abril de 2009. Special Report on John Kenneth Galbraith Anniversary, www.olafinanciera.unam.mx

- “Consecuencias de la crisis crediticia estadounidense sobre el balance de los conglomerados financieros en 2007”, with Cesar Duarte, Revista Economía Informa, no. 356, enero-febrero de 2009. Facultad de Economía, UNAM, México. Pp. 5-19

- “Has Capital Account Liberalization in Latin American Countries Led to Higher and More Stable Capital Inflows?”, with Jesús Ferreiro and Carmen Gómez, Internacional Journal of Political Economy, vol. 37, no. 4, winter 2008-2009, Ed. Sharpe, NY, 2009. Pp. 31-63

- “Gasto y déficits públicos en América Latina: las consecuencias de las políticas de ajuste sobre la inequidad de género”, Revista Umbrales, Revista del Posgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo, no. 18, noviembre de 2008, CIDES-UMSA, La Paz, Bolivia. Pp. 171-183

- “Modelos de crisis y el uso de instrumentos derivados”, with Roberto Soto. Revista Problemas del desarrollo, vol. 39, no. 155, octubre-diciembre de 2008. IIEc-UNAM. México.

- “Gasto y Servicios Públicos: Efectos del ajuste presupuestal”, Revista Ola Financiera, no. 1, septiembre-diciembre 2008, www.olafinanciera.unam.mx. Pp. 96-126.


Edited Books

- México en la Trampa del Financiamiento. El sendero del no desarrollo, Ed. IIEc-UNAM, México 2013.  With Alicia Girón.

- El Reto del Siglo XXI: Regular el sistema financieros global. Ed. IIEc-UNAM, México, 2012.  With Alicia Girón

- Tres crisis: economía, finanzas y medio ambiente. Ed. Porrua, México. 2011. With A. Girón, A. Guillén and A. Ivannova

- Antología “Exilio Femenino en México”, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, España, 2012. With Alicia Girón.

- Opacidad y Hegemonía en la Crisis Global, Ed. Catarata, Madrid, España. 2010. With Antonio Palazuelos.

- Capitalismo, ¿Recuperación?, ¿Descomposición?. Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2010. With A. Guillen and G. Vidal.

- Debate fiscal y financiero . Ed. Miguel Angel Porrua, México 2010. With A. Girón and P. Rodríguez.

- Quiebras financieras y experiencias paradigmáticas. Ed. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM. 2010. With A. Girón and P. Rodríguez

- México: filiales exitosas, y fracaso económico. Ed. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM. 2010. With A. Girón and P. Rodríguez.

- Pensamiento postkeynesiano: de la inestabilidad financiera a la reestructuración macroeconómica. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, 2010. With Alicia Girón and Patricia Rodríguez.

- Banca Pública, Crisis Financiera y Desarrollo. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM, 2010. With Alicia Girón y Patricia Rodríguez.

- Antología “Economistas Españoles del exilio en México”, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, España, 2009. With Alicia Girón.

- Asimetrías e Incertidumbre. Los desafíos de una estrategia económica alternativa para América Latina, Ed. Plaza y Valdés, IIEc-UNAM, México 2009. With Alicia Girón.

- Economía Política del México Contemporáneo: Homenaje a Ifigenia Martínez, Segunda edición, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, México, 2008. Alicia Girón, Armando Labra and Patricia Rodríguez.

- América Latina: América Latina y Desarrollo. Estructura, Inserción Externa y Sociedad, Ed. Akal, Madrid, 2008. With José Déniz y Antonio Palazuelos.

- El Pensamiento Feminista, Antología del pensamiento Político, Social y Económico de América Latina, No. 22, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, México, 2008. With Alma Chapoy, Alicia Girón, Ma. Luisa González and Patricia Rodríguez.


Chapters in Books

- “Mujeres, trabajo y protección social en América del Norte: un enfoque comparativo”, with Laura Vidal, Historia Comparada de las Mujeres en las Américas, edited by Patricia Galeana. Ed. Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia y UNAM, México, 2013.

- “Crisis Financiera, Deuda y Bancos”, with Alicia Girón, México en la Trampa del Financiamiento: el sendero del no desarrollo, edited by Alicia Girón and Eugenia Correa. Ed. IIEc-UNAM, México, 2013.

- “Lecciones desde la la Teoría de la Regulación para el Análisis de la Gran Crisis Financiera”, Actores Sociales y Gobiernos ante la Crisis, edited by Gregorio Vidal, Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México, 2012.

- “Deuda Pública, Rescate y Estabilización de los Mercados Financieros”, El Reto del Siglo XXI: Regular el sistema financiero global, edited by Alicia Girón and Eugenia Correa. IIEc-UNAM, México, 2012.

- “Gasto Social y su Distribución Regional en México”, Actores del Desarrollo y Políticas Públicas, edited by Gregorio Vidal and José Déniz, Ed. Fondo de Cultura Económica, España, 2012.

- “Reformas Económicas, Soberanía y Poder Político”, Reforma del Estado y Fortalecimiento de la Nación, edited by Ricardo Valero. UNAM, 2012.

- “Money and Institutions: the long path of LA financial reforms” Employment, Growth And Development, edited by Claude Gnos and Louis-Philippe Rochon, Elgar Edward Editor, UK, 2012. Pp.210-220.

- “Trabajo y Desarrollo”, El desarrollo perdido, avatares del capitalismo neoliberal en tiempo de crisis,  edited by Márquez, H., R. Soto, and E. Zayago. Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2011.

- “Crisis e Inversionistas Globales” Tres crisis: economía, finanzas y medio ambiente. Edited by E. Correa, A. Girón, A. Guillén and A. Ivannova Ed. Porrua, México, 2011

- “Confrontación competitiva y poder político: Banca global, regulación y cambio institucional”, Opacidad y Hegemonía en la Crisis Global, edited by E. Correa y A. Palazuelos, Catarata, Madrid, España. 2011.

- “Conglomerados y administración de la crisis financiera: liquidez y capitalización”, Crisis Financiera. Nuevas Manías, Viejos Pánicos, edite by Alicia Girón, Patricia Rodríguez and José Deniz. Ed. Catarata, Madrid. 2010.

- “Burbujas y Negocios Financieros”, with Alicia Girón, México: Filiales exitosas y fracaso económico, edited by A. Girón, E. Correa and P. Rodríguez, IIEc-UNAM. México. 2010

- “Crisis global y economía brasileña”, Quiebras financieras y experiencias paradigmática, edited by A. Girón, E. Correa and P. Rodríguez, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, UNAM. 2010.

- “Crisis y finanzas públicas en México”, with Roberto Soto, Tópicos de economía. Un enfoque global, edited by Alfredo Erquizio and Germán Palafox, Pearson Educacion-UNISON, 2010.

- “Dos años de crisis financiera global. Una lectura y algunas lecciones”, Capitalismo, ¿Recuperación?, ¿Descomposición?, edited by E. Correa, A. Guillen and G. Vidal, Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2010.

- “Crisis de la Privatización de los Fondos de Pensión: Especulación Financiera y Desamparo Social”, Crisis Económica: una perspectiva feminista desde América Latina, edited by Alicia Girón, Clacso, Buenos Aires, Caracas and México. 2010.

- “Pensiones y Reformas Financieras en América Latina“, Pensamiento postkeynesiano: de la inestabilidad financiera a la reestructuración macroeconómica, edited by Alicia Girón, Eugenia Correa and Patricia Rodríguez Ed. IIEc-UNAM. 2010.

- “Nueva estructura financiera y obstáculos al financiamiento al sector privado en México” with Jesús Ferreiro and Carmen Gómez, Banca Pública, Crisis Financiera y Desarrollo, edited by Alicia Girón, Eugenia Correa and Patricia Rodríguez, IIEc-UNAM, México 2010.

- “América Latina: el superávit fiscal un obstáculo al financiamiento del desarrollo”, Desarrollo y transformación: Opciones para América Latina, edited by G. Vidal, A. Guillén and J. Déniz Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid, 2010.

- “Seguridad Social y Reformas Financieras en América Latina”, América Latina: Democracia, Economía y Desarrollo Social, edited by Gregorio Vidal and Omar De León, Trama, España. 2010.

- “Individuo, Sociedad y Economía en los Países en Desarrollo” with Gregorio Vidal, América Latina: Democracia, Economía y Desarrollo Social, edited by Gregorio Vidal and Omar de León Naveiro, Trama, Madrid. 2010.

- “Moneda, Crédito y Financiamiento”, Debate fiscal y financiero , edited by A. Girón, E. Correa y P. Rodríguez, Miguel Angel Porrua, México 2010.

- “Violencia y Discriminación de Género en Brasil: la obra de Heleieth Saffioti,”  La historia de las mujeres en México, edited by P. Galeana,  Instituto Zacatecano de la Cultura “Ramón López Velarde, México 2010.

- “Los jóvenes universitarios frente al aborto”, with L. González Marín, A. Girón y P. Rodriguez, Los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres en México, edited by P. Galeana Ibijus-FEMU, México 2010.

- “Políticas de equidad de género: Unión Europea”, with A. Arroyo, Género y Globalización, edited by A. Girón, CLACSO, 2009.

- “Obstáculos a la Cooperación para el desarrollo en las Américas. Lecciones de la historia reciente”, with Wesley Marshall, Historia Comparada de las Américas, edited by P. Galeana, UNAM and Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, México, 2008.

- “Cambio democrático y desarrollo con perspectiva de género”, with A. Arroyo, Medio Siglo de Derechos políticos de las mujeres en México, edited by Federación Mexicana de Universitarias, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, México 2008.

- “Formación Política y Liderazgo de las Mujeres”, with Ma. Luisa González Marín, Límites y Desigualdades en el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en el PRI, PAN y PRD, edited by González M. L., and P. Rodríguez Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2008.                                                                                                                                                  

- “Empoderamiento en los Partidos Políticos. La Evidencia estadística 1997-2006”, with Patricia Rodríguez, Límites y Desigualdades en el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en el PRI, PAN y PRD, edited by González M. L., y P. Rodríguez Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2008.

- “Obstáculos y Limitaciones en el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres: la experiencia del PAN”, with A. Arroyo, Límites y Desigualdades en el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en el PRI, PAN y PRD, edited by González M. L., and P. Rodríguez Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2008.

- “Hacia una alternativa para la equidad de género en la práctica política de los partidos políticos”, with A. Arroyo, A. Girón, M. L. González, P. Rodríguez y F. Vidal, Límites y Desigualdades en el Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en el PRI, PAN y PRD, edited by González M. L., and P. Rodríguez Ed. Miguel Ángel Porrua, México 2008.

- “Financiamiento, vulnerabilidad e inserción financiera externa de América Latina”, América Latina y Desarrollo. Estructura, Inserción Externa y Sociedad, edited by Correa, E., J. Déniz y A. Palazuelos Akal, Madrid, 2008.

Mexico City, April 30, 2013. 


AFEE Ayres Scholar 2014

Svetlana KIRDINA (Светлана Георгиевна Кирдина)

Doctor’s degree in Sociology,
Candidate of Science in Economics

 web-site www.kirdina.ru

Head of Department for Evolution of Social and Economic Systems, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences - RAS, Moscow, Russia (www.inecon.ru/).

~ 190 publications in Russian and English.

I graduated from Novosibirsk State University (Department of Economic Cybernetics with major in Sociology). Then I worked in the Department of Social Problems at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk.

In 1986 I was awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences in Economics as a result of research in the field of social-regional structure of the rural area of the Soviet society.

In 2002 I defended my book "Institutional Matrices and Development In Russia" as a Doctoral thesis in Sociology at the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

My main research interests lie in the field of social and economic theory, comparative institutional analysis, heterodox economics and its methodology.

I have been working on a macro-sociological theoretical hypothesis of institutional matrices (or X- and Y-theory) since 1990s and consider it as my most important achievement. It has been delivered in a number of papers, articles and books. My present work is dedicated to argumentation and verification of the hypothesis, the core of which is the assumption that the type of society is characterized by domination of institutions of either X-matrix or Y-matrix. This choice determines the distinct ways in which those societies evolve.

The core of the institutional matrices theory and the results of its application to analysis of transformation processes in Russia and other countries are included in educational courses at universities from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg to Novosibirsk and Vladivostok, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus. At the same time the concept remains actively discussed in the academic community, with many pros and contras being put forward.

Professional Memberships: Association for Evolutionary Economics; European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy; Association for Institutional Thought ; Union for Radical Political Economy; International Sociological Association; European Sociological Association; Russian Society of Sociologists; New Economic Association, Russia.

Other Professional Activities:

- Member of Organizing Committee of the Biennal International Symposium on Evolutionary Economics in Puschino, Moscow region, Russia (since 2003);

- Member of the Board of the Research Committee 01 “Economy and Society”, International  Sociological  Association (2004-2006);  

- Member of the Board of the Social Theory Research Network, European Sociological Association (2008-2012);

- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Institutional Studies, Russia, in Russian and English; Социологические исследования (Sociological Studies– SOCIS), Russia, in Russian; Montenegrin Economic Journal, Montenegro, in English;

- Member of the Scientific Board “New Social Phenomena in Russia”, Russian academy of sciences - Social Science Section;

- An expert of International Zaheer Science Foundation (New Delhi, India).