The Nominating Committee welcomes your nominations for President-Elect and two members for the Board of Directors. Nominations should include a letter outlining the nominee’s qualifications, willingness to serve, and any other useful or relevant supporting documents such as a vita or additional letters of support. All nominations should be sent to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by May 1, 2024. The announcement of final nominees will be made to the general membership after approval by the Board of Directors. Elections will then be conducted under the direction of the Secretary/Treasurer of AFEE. Candidates must be members in good standing (paid their dues)

Please e-mail nominations to Janice Peterson by May 1, 2024.

The Nominating Committee is:

Janice Peterson (chair), California State University, Fresno (USA),

Asimina Christoforou, Panteion University (Greece),

Alicia Girón – UNAM (Mexico)

Thomas Kemp, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (USA)

Yan Liang, Willamette University (USA)

AFEE By-laws section:

Section 7. Nominating Committee.

7.1 The President of the Association shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five (5) members. In appointing a Nominating Committee, the President shall bear in mind the desirability of appointing members diversified by geographical location, field of specialization, gender, and race-ethnicity. The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to nominate persons for all elective offices, including the office of Secretary-Treasurer. The names of the members of the Nominating Committee shall be made known to the membership in a timely manner.

7.2 The announcement of the composition of the committee shall be accompanied by a statement inviting suggestions from the membership for names of suitable candidates for office, and by the quotation of this section of the Bylaws. Nominations for each elective office shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee to the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Directors shall have authority to approve final nominations of the Nominating Committee.

7.3 The Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board of Directors for approval one (1) name for President-Elect; four (4) names for the two (2) positions to be filled annually on the Board; and two (2) names for the one (1) position of a member who is not a citizen of the United States, must reside outside the United States, and is to be filled every third year on the Board. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be nominated by the same Committee.

7.4 The Secretary-Treasurer shall announce agreed-upon nominations no later than August 15 to the general membership. The announcement shall be accompanied by the quotation of this section of the Bylaws. Additional nominations may be made by any member of the Association for any office if supported by a petition signed by twenty-five (25) members of the Association and received by the Secretary-Treasurer on or before September 15.

7.5 On or before November 1, the Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare a ballot for all members bearing the names agreed upon by the Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors, as well as the names of those nominated by petition, all to be accompanied by brief biographical sketches of the nominees. All votes returned by members of the Association shall be counted and tallied no later than December 1, on which date elections shall be deemed closed.