Call for Papers for the Special Session  

Polycrisis II: Polycrisis and an Emerging New World Order. Challenges for Evolutionary Political Economy” 

organized by

Research Area [JAES] (Joint AFEE-EAEPE Sessions) &
Research Area [W] (Global Political Economy)

The 36th Annual EAEPE Conference,
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU,
Bilbao, Spain, September 4-6, 2024


In line with this year’s conference theme, the joint special session organized by RA [JAES] and RA [W] continues in 2024 with its last year’s overarching “Polycrisis” theme. The conception stands for the complex interaction and negative “synergies” of the multiple international challenges that we are facing.

The world–its economy, value-added chains, distributions, politics, and its natural environment–is in turmoil and apparently is undergoing considerable structural and qualitative changes, measurably approaching “tipping points” in some cases. The received monopolar and hegemonic global structure is challenged and subject to considerable critique and calls for alternatives.

The crises of climate and all other natural systems, the crises of trade wars and economic non-growth (in the Political West), the international systems of sanctioning, the deterioration of the existing international political governance, increasing political tensions, conflict, and direct, open wars, the crises of inequality and poverty, the crises of deteriorating education, health, infrastructures,  increased military tension, multidirectional trends in economic development in different regions of the world, and partially failing states even in the developed countries of the Collective West, all contribute to a polycrisis, with huge and pressing challenges also for heterodox, evolutionary-institutional Political Economies.

Another devastating war has been added to the polycrisis since our last conference in Leeds 2023, the Gulf Stream has recently been declared by experts to be measurably approaching a tipping point, with unpredictable but fundamental changes to be expected of temperatures and climate in Europe. We observe unprecedented deteriorations of the welfare state, of perceived well-being, of political perceptions and citizen satisfaction with their governments, of general trust in society, and we observe partial dysfunctionality and failure of political systems, institutional deterioration, and indications of partial collapses. The 2024 elections in the US, Russia, and other countries, like UK or Germany, may further change political constellations at the regional and global levels.

Our aim is to bring together research and scholars from around the globe to discuss the future of Europe and of the global economy under the polycrisis through the lens of cutting-edge heterodox approaches. We are inviting papers on themes such as (but not limited to) the following:

  • Idiosyncrasies of the current world order and transformations in human history.
  • Disruption of global value chains: De-Globalization? Re-Globalization?
  • Changes in the global currency system: De-Dollarization?
  • Rising inequalities and injustices, social segregation, and political polarization.
  • Social disintegration: Deterioration of (physical & mental) health, education, care and even upcoming ideological death cults.
  • Alternatives to the current world order: Role of regional conglomerates (BRICS, SCO, BRI, RCEP), future of international organizations (WTO, UN), and possible changes from the margins (human rights movements, social and solidarity economy).
  • Changing relationships between economic competition and geopolitical rivalries in the global political economy (beyond ‘interdependence weaponization’).
  • Methodological challenges for Heterodox Economics in a changing world order.

We will provide talks with guest speakers on the theoretical framing of institutional deterioration and collapse as well as emerging new global structures, in this way setting pivots for discussion.

Finally, we aim to publish papers from the special session in relevant journals, such as EAEPE’s Review of Evolutionary Political Economy (REPE) and possibly the Journal of Institutional Studies (published in both Russian and English).

Abstract Submission:

Related abstracts (300-750 words) should be submitted electronically at the conference website before 5th April 2024:

On the electronic form authors are reminded to select the option Polycrisis II: Polycrisis and an Emerging New World Order. Challenges for Evolutionary Political Economy (below the Research Areas).

Sent on behalf of RA-Coordinators:

RA[JAES] Asimina Christoforou, Svetlana Kirdina-Chandler, Wolfram Elsner,

RA[W] Hardy Hanappi, Claude Serfati