AFEE membership runs from January 1 through December 31. Each membership includes a print and/or online access to our quarterly peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Economic Issues. The dues structure is the same for print and/or online JEI access.  Multiple year memberships are welcome.

All online payments are processed by PayPal securely. You are not required to have a PayPal account to make an online payment with a credit or debit card.

Alternatively, you can download the PDF to mail/fax the dues.

However you choose to renew, please let us know if you wish to opt out of a print subscription to the JEI, and as always, be sure to keep your mailing address and contact information up to date.

AFEE, with over 50 years of debate and discussion, we invite you to join the conversation today!

AFEE welcomes your donation. Your donations are valuable to the continued work of AFEE to promote open inquiry in the economics profession and support the work of graduate students, faculty, and researchers in the original institutionalist economics (OIE) tradition.  Donations will be used to support the James H. Street Scholar, the Clarence Ayres Scholar, graduate students, regional and international conference opportunities and workshops, outreach to other organizations, or to subsidize the costs of our annual conference.

Donations may be made either by specific donations using the link here, or by rounding up when you pay your membership dues. Donations to a 501-c (3) are tax deductable. For further inquiries about how to support the work of AFEE through single donations or multi-year gifts, please contact the Secretary-Treasurer Eric Hake at

