Please let me know if you are unable to chair a committee or serve as a member.  Thanks to all of you for your service!  Also, Committee Chairs can you please reach out to your committee members to establish an email group.  If you would also email me I can give you a charge for your committee for this year.  Again thanks all!


Alex Bernasek
2024 AFEE President


2024 AFEE Committees

Awards Committee

Bylaws Information
(Article X, Section 3) Awards. The President shall appoint a five (5) member Awards Committee each year. This Committee shall recommend nominations for four (4) awards, the Veblen – Commons Award, the Clarence E. Ayres Award, the James H. Street Scholar, and the AFEE Service Award, to the Board of Directors, which shall have final responsibility for naming recipients of the awards.

(a) Veblen-Commons Award. The Veblen-Commons Award is given annually in recognition of scholarly contributions in the field of evolutionary institutional economics. Nominations for this award will be sought from the membership of AFEE.

(b) Clarence E. Ayres Award. In consultation with the President of AFEE, the Awards Committee will recommend a promising international scholar to be named the Ayres Scholar. Candidates for this award will be asked to submit a paper proposal and an explanation of how attendance at the annual meeting would enhance her/his work in evolutionary-institutional economics. Receipt of this award does not preclude later receipt of the Veblen-Commons Award.

(c) James H. Street Latin American Scholar. Each year the Association shall attempt to bring to the United States a Latin American scholar to present a paper at the annual program of the Association. The scholar shall be designated as the “James H. Street Latin American Scholar,” and AFEE will defray his or her expenses.

(d ) AFEE Service Award. The AFEE Service Award is given annually in recognition of service activities in aid of organizations and programs that enhance evolutionary institutional economics. Such activities might include but are not intended to be limited to (i) active mentoring, whether directly or by service as a referee for journals or as discussant at meetings; (ii) contributions to the reform of economic education and participation in innovative interdisciplinary projects; (iii) governmental or NGO service in pursuit of evolutionary social control of economies. Receipt of this award does not preclude receipt of the Veblen-Commons Award.


Awards Committee Members (all terms end January 2025)

Lynne Chester, University of Sydney (Australia) Chair
Luwei Zhao, Kunming University of Science and Technology (China)
Nina Eichacker, University of Rhode Island (USA)
Luke Petach, Belmont University (USA)
Franlklin Obeng-Odoom, University of Helsinki (Finland)


Nominating Committee

Bylaws Information
(Article XI, Section 7) 7.1 The President of the Association shall appoint a Nominating Committee of five (5) members. In appointing a Nominating Committee, the President shall bear in mind the desirability of appointing members diversified by geographical location, field of specialization, gender, and race-ethnicity. The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to nominate persons for all elective offices, including the office of Secretary-Treasurer. The names of the members of the Nominating Committee shall be made known to the membership in a timely manner.

7.2 The announcement of the composition of the committee shall be accompanied by a statement inviting suggestions from the membership for names of suitable candidates for office, and by the quotation of this section of the Bylaws. Nominations for each elective office shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee to the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Directors shall have authority to approve final nominations of the Nominating Committee.

7.3 The Nominating Committee shall submit to the Board of Directors for approval one (1) name for President-Elect; four (4) names for the two (2) positions to be filled annually on the Board; and two (2) names for the one (1) position of a member who is not a citizen of the United States, must reside outside the United States, and is to be filled every third year on the Board. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be nominated by the same Committee.

7.4 The Secretary-Treasurer shall announce agreed-upon nominations no later than August 15 to the general membership. The announcement shall be accompanied by the quotation of this section of the Bylaws. Additional nominations may be made by any member of the Association for any office if supported by a petition signed by twenty-five (25) members of the Association and received by the Secretary-Treasurer on or before September 15.

7.5 On or before November 1, the Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare a ballot for all members bearing the names agreed upon by the Nominating Committee and the Board of Directors, as well as the names of those nominated by petition, all to be accompanied by brief biographical sketches of the nominees. All votes returned by members of the Association shall be counted and tallied no later than December 1, on which date elections shall be deemed closed.


Nominating Committee Members (all terms end January 2025)

Janice Peterson, Fresno State University (USA) Chair
Asimina Christoforou, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece)
Yan Liang, Willamette University (USA)
Thomas Kemp, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (USA)
Alicia Giron, UNAM (Mexico)


Committee on Publications and Electronic Media

Bylaws Information
(Article XI, Section 8) 8.1 The Committee on Publications and Electronic Media will have the responsibility for working to help promote the Journal of Economic Issues (in consultation with the journal’s publishing team). The Committee shall also promote AFEE through the internet and electronic social media. It also advises the Secretary-Treasurer on any resources it requires to carry out its duties. The Board will determine how to best manage the allocation process for the use of AFEE resources toward the Committee’s objectives.

8.2 When necessary, the Committee on Publications and Electronic Media is to serve as search and screening committee to select a new Editor. The Committee will establish its own procedures, make timely progress reports to the Board of Directors, and establish practical policies for the orderly transition to a new Editor. The Committee shall conduct an extensive and thorough search process. The process should be established on a global basis to invite persons familiar with institutional economics to submit their qualifications if they wish to be considered for the Editorship position. A notice to invite applications shall be sent to all members, and, in addition, shall be placed in the Journal of Economic Issues. Negotiations with universities for the financing of editorships shall be conducted by the nominee or nominees in conjunction with the President of the Association.

8.3 When necessary, the Committee on Publications and Electronic Media is to serve as search and screening committee to select a new Web Content Editor and/or Social Media Coordinator. The Committee will establish its own procedures, make timely progress reports to the Board of Directors, and establish practical policies for an orderly transition. The process should be established on a global basis to invite persons familiar with institutional economics to submit their qualifications if they wish to be considered for a position. A notice to invite applications shall be sent to all members, be posted on the AFEE website and AFEEMAIL, and other relevant electronic venues.

8.4 When appropriate, the Committee on Publications and Electronic Media shall evaluate proposals for publications and projects other than the JEI and propose action to the Board of Directors; evaluate reprint policy and propose action to the Board of Directors; put into operational form any questions about publication or republication that are called to the attention of the Committee, and propose policies to the Board of Directors; act as an advisory group to the Editor of the JEI when the Editor requests advice; and undertake such other duties as it may be charged with by the President.

8.5 The composition of the Committee on Publications shall be: The President, as chair; the President-Elect; the Editor of the JEI; two (2) additional members to be appointed each year by the President from Association members to serve for two years, with one rotating on in an even year and one in an odd year. Serving as ex officio are members appointed to positions related to AFEE’s web and social media presence.


Committee on Publications and Electronic Media Members

Alexandra Bernasek, Colorado State University (USA) Chair (term ends January 2025)
Kellin Stanfield, Hobart and William Smith Colleges (USA) (term ends January 2025)
Fiona Maclachlan, Manhattan College (USA) (term ends January 2025)
Danielle Guizzo, University of Bristol (UK) (term ends January 2027)
Debora Nunes, Colorado State University (USA) (term ends January 2027)
Charles Whalen, Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy (USA) term ends January 2027)
William Waller, Hobart and William Smith Colleges (USA), (serves as JEI editor)
Emily Hrovat,  (USA), (ex officio Social Media Coordinator)
Web Content Editor (ex officio)


Membership Committee

Bylaws Information
(Article XI, Section 9) Committee on Membership. The President shall appoint a Membership Committee consisting of five (5) members. The purpose of the Committee is to provide ideas and suggestions to the Board of Directors regarding how to increase membership and to carry out Board of Directors approved programs to increase Association membership.


Membership Committee Members (all appointments end January 2025)

Anna Klimina, University of Saskatchewan, (Canada) Chair
Brian Lin, National Chengchi University, (Taiwan)
Rob Haggar, Colorado State University (USA)
Valerie Kepner, Kings College (USA)
Mary Wrenn, University of East England (UK)
Leila Davis, U Mass Boston (USA)


Finance Committee

Bylaws Information
(Article XI, Section 10) 10.1 The Finance Committee shall provide advice to the Secretary-Treasurer with regard to management of the Association’s financial portfolio, its annual budget, and other policies related to the Association’s finance.

10.2 The committee will consist of six (6) members who will serve three-year terms. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve, ex-officio. The members should have technical competence with regard to investment in financial instruments. The Committee will elect its own chair.

10.3 Two members of the Finance Committee will be appointed each year by the President in consultation with the Secretary-Treasurer. Committee members will be eligible to stand for reappointment upon completion of their term.

10.4 The charge of the Finance Committee is as follows: to function as an advisory group to the Secretary-Treasurer on issues for which the Secretary-Treasurer requests advice; to articulate financial investment issues and questions that the committee believes the Board should consider addressing and present those issues and questions to the Board; to work with the Secretary-Treasurer to prepare a draft of an annual budget for presentation to the board for review and approval; to advise the Board on policies and procedures for the expenditure of funds; to advise the Board regarding distribution of funds from the financial investments of the Association; to advise the Board on policies and procedures for the receipt of gifts to the Association and to propose policies to the Board of Directors about financial investment issues upon which the Board of Directors requests advice.


Finance Committee Members

Janet Knoedler, Bucknell University (USA) Chair (term ends January 2027)
Robert Scott, Monmouth University (USA) (term ends January 2027)
Susan Schroeder, University of Sydney (Australia) (term ends January 2027)
Craig Medlen (USA) (term ends January 2025)
Laura J. Taylor, Willamette University (USA) (term ends January 2025)
Tanweer Akram (USA) (term ends January 2026)
Reynold Nesiba, Augustana University (USA) (term ends 2026)
Eric Hake, Catawba College (USA) AFEE Secretary/Treasurer (ex-officio)


Committee for Regional and International Conferences

Bylaws Information
(Article VI, Section 6) President-Elect. The President-Elect shall have the responsibility for chairing the Committee for Regional and International Conferences….
(Article X, Section 2) Sessions. The President-Elect shall work with the Committee for Regional and International Conferences to organize sessions on institutional economics at appropriate regional, national, and international conferences and meetings. The name of the Association shall not be used for any presentation, program, lecture, or session of papers at any meeting that is not planned, approved, or authorized by the President-Elect. The joint sessions with other organizations shall identify the Association as a joint sponsorship.
(Article 11, Section 11) 11.1 The Committee for Regional and International Conferences shall work to organize and sponsor AFEE sessions at regional and international conference across the globe.

11.2 The President – Elect shall appoint members of the committee and/or other AFEE members to organize relevant AFEE – sponsored sessions.

11.3 The Committee shall have an annual budget established by the Board. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (1) The likelihood that the proposal will lead to long term increases in AFEE membership; and, (2) The likelihood of the proposal promoting institutional economics in a substantive way that would not be possible without AFEE funding. To receive funding, there must be a demonstrated financial need. Proposals will be considered in the order presented until funds are exhausted. Reimbursement for any one individual will be limited to $1,000. Exceptions to such limit require the support of the President and Secretary-Treasurer as well as the Committee for Regional and International Conferences. The President-Elect will consult with the Committee before deciding which proposals to fund. No proposal that is rejected by a majority of the Committee should receive funding.


Committee for Regional and International Conferences Members

Wilfred Dolfsma, Wageningen University (Netherlands) chair (term ends January 2025)
Mimoza Shabhani, University of East London (UK) (term ends January 2025)
Cristina Fróes de Borja Reis, Federal University of ABC (Brazil) (term ends January 2026)
Kota Kitagawa, Kansai University (Japan)  (term ends January 2026)
Paula Cole, University of Denver (USA) (term ends January 2025)
Gaelle despierre Corporon, University of Grenoble-Alps (France) (term ends in January 2026)
Kostas Yusefidis, University of Novi Sad (Serbia) (term ends January 2026)