The AFEE Guest Speaker Support Fund makes funds available each academic year to help AFEE members bring other AFEE members to their campuses to serve as guest speakers or participants in seminars and workshops. The goal is to broaden interest in original institutional economics among both graduate and undergraduate students in economics.

AFEE will match institutional funds up to $600 to bring AFEE members to campuses for guest lectures.

Criteria for Applications:

To be eligible for a grant from the AFEE Guest Speakers Support Program, applicants must make their application on behalf of an institution of higher learning.  Speakers invited through this program must be current members of AFEE, and must have been members for at least three consecutive years prior to invitation. A specific speaker will be given sponsorship only once in any given academic year, and cannot receive support for visiting the same institution in two consecutive years.

Selection Criteria:

The Selection Committee will consist of the President, the President Elect, and the Secretary-Treasurer.  The Selection Committee will make awards to both undergraduate and graduate programs.  Ordinarily, an institution will be eligible for a grant only once in each academic year. In those cases where multiple guest speakers would enhance the spread of institutional economics in a significant way, the selection committee will consider allocating a second or third grant to a given institution subject to the proviso that no institution is to be allocated more than three grants in a two year period. Such exceptions are most likely to be made in cases of special workshops or colloquia, depending on the queue of other requests for funding during that year. In order to encourage widespread participation, the Selection Committee will take into consideration past support provided to specific institutions and members.

AFEE will provide up to $4000 total for this program each academic year, and up to $600 per speaker.

Restrictions and Obligations of Speakers:

The institution inviting the speaker will have to provide matching funds up to the $600 maximum level of AFEE support.  AFEE funds must be used exclusively for travel and expenses and cannot be used for honoraria.  AFEE members invited to speak will receive AFEE membership brochures and will be encouraged to take those brochures to their sponsoring institution and to recruit new members


Institutions receiving funds through the AFEE Guest Speakers Support Program will be required to submit a short report to the AFEE Selection Committee after the visit. The report will include the following information: the actual amount spent to reimburse the visitor; information on the schedule for the visit; the title and context for the talk, and a brief discussion of the local benefit of having the visitor give the talk.  The Selection Committee hopes to develop a simple form to facilitate reasonably uniform reporting.

Format for Sponsorship Requests:

Sponsorship requests will be made by submitting a copy of the request for funds to the AFEE Secretary/Treasurer ( at least thirty days in advance of the planned event.

Included in that submission should be the following:

the name and a vita for the invited speaker, as well as a letter or message from the invited speaker indicating his or her willingness to make the visit, and a cover letter which details the estimated expenses, the format of the presentation, the title and abstract for the invited speaker’s presentation, and the nature of the audience, including estimated attendance. The letter should also explain why the speaker is a good fit within the institution’s context.


Reimbursement in all but unusual cases will be made upon presentation of all relevant receipts for travel and expenses after the presentation. Requests for reimbursement should be made to the Secretary/Treasurer of AFEE (

Eric Hake
Ketner 308
Catawba College
2300 West Innes St.
Salisbury, NC 28144
Ph: 704-637-4293