Umbrella Groups

The International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE): a consortium of over 30 groups in economics working cooperatively to maintain diversity and innovation in methods, approaches, policy analyses, and higher education in the profession.

Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE): formed in 1999 to encourage interaction among scholars working in any aspect of heterodox economics.

Congress of Political Economists: seeks to promote economic democracy and a forum for scholarly discussion and research in this vital area and other topics of socioeconomic interest.

The Society of Heterodox Economists (SHE) represents a gathering of economists outside the mainstream, who believe that the study of the discipline of economics goes beyond the study of mainstream theory in its present state of development and the application of purely quantitative techniques to the formation of judgments on qualitative questions.

To actively promote our view that awareness of a variety of economics theories is a requirement of professional competence, we have established a structure around the Society of Heterodox Economists which would provide a formal body to lobby on behalf of heterodox economists.

Behavioral Economics

Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE): an association of scholars who are committed to rigorous economic analysis and are interested in learning how other disciplines – e.g. psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, political science, and biology – further our understanding of economic behavior. An important function of SABE is to serve as a forum for research which may not find either comprehension or acceptance in conventional economics societies.

Ecological Economics

International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE): facilitates understanding between economists and ecologists and the integration of their thinking into a transdiscipline aimed at developing a sustainable world.

US Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE): provides a holistic and comprehensive venue for the educational challenge of communicating the scope of the economic, social and environmental crises we as a nation are facing (causing) and the policy options we have available for dealing with them. Plays a key role in helping to set the US Ecological Economic research agenda, in communicating the development of effective economic, social and environmental policies and highlighting successful community projects.

Feminist Economics

International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE): A non-profit organization advancing feminist inquiry of economic issues and educating economists and others on feminist points of view on economic issues.

Institutional and Evolutionary Economics

Association For Evolutionary Economics (AFEE): an international organization of economists and other social scientists devoted to analysis of economics as evolving, socially constructed and politically governed systems. The intellectual heritage of AFEE is that of the Original Institutional Economics (OIE) created and developed by early twentieth-century economists such as Thorstein Veblen, John R. Commons, and Wesley Mitchell.

Association For Institutional Thought (AFIT): intistitutionalist group with an annual conference and a commitment to heterodox undergraduate economics education.

The JOIE Foundation: Organization in charge of the editorial board for the Journal of Institutional Economics.

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE): formed to promote evolutionary, dynamic and realistic approaches to economic theory and policy. Instead of the over-formalistic and often empty theorising of orthodox economics, the aim is to bring together the ideas of a number of theorists and theoretical traditions, and to help to develop a more realistic approach to theory and policy.

Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics (JAFEE):an effort to innovate new economics by delving into the evolutionary mechanism of systems, organizations and technology.

Marxist and Radical Economics

Rethinking Marxism, with a web site —

Conference of Socialist Economists: an international, democratic membership organisation committed to developing a materialist critique of capitalism, unconstrained by conventional academic divisions between subjects.

Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE): an interdisciplinary association devoted to the study, development,and application of radical political economic analysis to social problems. URPE presents a continuing critique of the capitalist system and all forms of exploitation and oppression while helping to construct a progressive social policy and create socialist alternatives.

Post Keynesian Economics

Post Keynesian Thought Internet Archive: aims at bringing together the work of economists and others interested in Post Keynesian economics and the social, historical, and political questions that have long been a part of the Post Keynesian tradition. The objective of PKT is to support an electronic community of scholars interested in going beyond conventional neoclassical economic analysis and moving forward in the tradition of Keynes, Kalecki, Robinson, and Sraffa. Site no longer

Social Economics

Association for Social Economics (ASE): formed to advance scholarly research and writing about the great questions of economics, human dignity, ethics, and philosophy. Members seek to explore the ethical foundations and implications of economic analysis, along with the individual and social dimensions of economic problems, and to help shape economic policy that is consistent with the integral values of the person and a humane community.

Socio Economics

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE): socio-economics begins with the assumption that economics is not a self-contained system, but is embedded in society, polity, and culture. Socio-economics regards competition as a subsystem encapsulated within a societal context that contains values, power relations, and social networks.