Heterodox Publications (News, Commentary & Analysis)

The Heterodox Economics News Letter publishes a news letter on a monthly basis that updates work being done in multiple areas of heterodox economics.

Center for Full Employment and Price Stability conducts research and public discussion of issues related to macroeconomic and monetary policy, especially employment and budgetary policy. It publishes the CFEPS Digest and CFEPS Policy Notes.

Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs: presents a wide range of views on national and international economic affairs in the belief that an informed dialogue can result in more rational and effective public policy.

Dollars and Sense Magazine: provides left perspectives on economic affairs; published six times a year, edited by a collective of economists, journalists, and activists committed to social justice and economic democracy.

Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity: publishes working papers, policy notes, policy reports, Vlogs, and a monthly newsletter.

Labour : Review of Economic and Labour Relations: discuses current issues in a readable style that is accessible to business people, industrial relations practitioners and interested lay people as well as academics. At the same time it is an authoritative journal written by experts who like to communicate with those who are not specialists in the field. Each number contains a symposium on a current policy issue as well as other articles.

Left Business Observer: monthly newsletter on economics and politics in the U.S. and the world at large by Doug Henwood.

Levy Economics Institute publishes Public Policy Briefs (papers on the policy implications of a broad spectrum of contemporary economic issues), Policy Notes (short, timely articles by Levy Institute scholars and other contributors presenting up-to-date research conclusions or policy statements on a wide range of topics for policymaking, business, and general audiences) and the Report (a quarterly newsletter aimed at a diverse, general audience interested in public policy matters).

Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal: LINKS is a joint project of activists from several left traditions.

Post-Autistic Economics Review: an email-delivered economics journal working against economics’ “uncontrolled use” and treatment of mathematics as “an end in itself”, and the resulting “autistic science”, the repressive domination of neoclassical theory and derivative approaches in the curriculum, and the dogmatic teaching style, which leaves no place for critical and reflective thought. PAER favors engagement with empirical and concrete economic realities, prioritizing science over scientism,
a pluralism of approaches adapted to the complexity of economic objects and to the uncertainty surrounding most of the big economic questions, and initiating reforms to rescue economics from its autistic and socially irresponsible state.