Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics: The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the study and management of “nature’s household” (ecology) and “humankind’s household” (economics). This integration is necessary because conceptual and professional isolation have led to economic and environmental policies which are mutually destructive rather than reinforcing in the long term. The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open.

Feminist Economics

Feminist Economics: provides an open forum for dialogue and debate about feminist economic perspectives. By opening new areas of economic inquiry, welcoming diverse voices, and encouraging critical exchanges, the journal enlarges and enriches economic discourse. The goal of Feminist Economics is not just to develop more illuminating theories, but to improve the conditions of living for all children, women, and men.

Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography: provides a forum for debate in human geography and related disciplines on theoretically-informed research concerned with gender issues. It also seeks to highlight the significance of such research for feminism and women’s studies.

Institutional and Evolutionary Economics

Journal of Economic Issues: JEI is an international journal of institutional and evolutionary economics, publishing articles that deal with basic economic problems, economic policy, methodology, the organization and control of economies, and specialized fields of economics.

Journal of Evolutionary Economics: provides an international forum for a new approach to economics. Following the tradition of Joseph A. Schumpeter, it is designed to focus on original research with an evolutionary conception of the economy. The journal will publish articles with a strong emphasis on dynamics, changing structures (including technologies, institutions, beliefs and behaviors) and disequilibrium processes with an evolutionary perspective (innovation, selection, imitation, etc.). It favors interdisciplinary analysis and is devoted to theoretical, methodological and applied work.

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review: issued by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics to provide an international forum for new theoretical and empirical approaches to evolutionary and institutional economics. The Review, free from the view of equilibrium economics and methodological individualism, should face the diversity of human behavior and dynamic transformation of institutions. In the Review, ‘economics’ is used in its broadest sense. It covers from the classic research in economic history, economic thought, economic theory, and management science to emerging research fields such as economic sociology, bio-economics, evolutionary game theory, agent-based modeling, complex systems study, econo-physics, experimental economics, and so on. The Review believes that a truly interdisciplinary discussion is needed to propel the investigation in the dynamic process of socio-economical change where institutions as emergent outcomes of human actions do matter.

Revista De Economia Institucional (in Spanish) a biannual publication that has the purpose to stimulate research related with political economy, economy and philosophy, law and economics, economic history and theory of games, within the theoretical bases of institutional economics. Revista de Economía Institucional is written in Spanish, although we publish Spanish versions of articles in English, French and Italian.

Marxist and Radical Economics

Capital and Class: provides a critique of global capitalism in the Marxist tradition, reaching out into the labor, trade union and other radical movements, such as anti-racism, environmentalism and feminism. NEW Online searchable archive available!

Capitalism Nature Socialism: an international red-green journal of theory and politics. Key themes are the dialectics of human and natural history; labor and land; workplace struggles and community struggles; economics and ecology; and the politics of ecology and ecology of politics. The journal is especially concerned to join (and relate) discourses on labor, ecology, feminist and community movements; and on radical democracy and human rights.

Economy and Society: a radical interdisciplinary journal of theory and politics. Economy and Society promotes new debates and currents of social thought. The journal has explored the social sciences in the broadest interdisciplinary sense, in articles from some of the world’s leading sociologists and anthropologists, political scientists, legal theorists, philosophers, economists and other renowned scholars. Economy and Society covers questions ranging from economic governance to developments in the life sciences and beyond, and publishes major new work on current issues confronting progressive politics throughout Europe and North America, Australasia and the Pacific Rim.

Monthly Review: Monthly Review takes a Marxist approach to political economy and history. Widely appreciated for its unique blend of scholarship and activism, dedication to historical understanding, and readability, Monthly Review’s independent vision of socialism and critical honesty make it an indispensable tool for understanding global capitalism and the prospects for change.

New Political Economy: This journal aims to create a forum for work which seeks to bridge past empirical and conceptual divides. The emphasis is on exploratory and innovative work which draws on different disciplines and which addresses core issues in the emerging research agenda. NPE brings together four key literatures: comparative political economy, the political economy of the environment, the political economy of development, and international political economy.

Research in Political Economy: RPE is founded on understanding society as a unity of economic, political and ideological levels in contradiction, with the class structure of the economy being basic to such understanding. It is therefore consistent with classical Marxism. Articles not explicitly Marxist in orientation are also published.

Rethinking Marxism: aims to stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and social consequences of Marxian economic, cultural, and social analysis. To that end, we publish studies that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory. Our concerns include theoretical and philosophical (methodological and epistemological) matters as well as more concrete empirical analyses—all work that leads to the further development of distinctively Marxian discourses. We encourage contributions from people in many disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives. We are also interested in expanding the diversity of styles for producing and presenting Marxian discourses.

Review of Radical Political Economics: RRPE encourages articles from all perspectives within a broad definition of radical political economics. If an article is within this general framework, the editors of the RRPE are committed to judging it on its merits and scholarship, not in terms of the political point-of-view of the author(s).

Science and Society: publishes original studies in political economy and the economic analysis of contemporary societies; social and political theory; history, labor, ethnic and women’s studies; aesthetics, literature and the arts. While S & S does not adhere to any particular school of interpretation within Marxism, the editors do encourage respectful attention to the entire Marxist tradition, as well as to cutting-edge tools and concepts from present-day social science. Through both general issues and issues devoted to particular topics, the journal provides serious analysis of the contemporary human condition and visions of social alternatives, as well as contributing to the ongoing critical reexamination and redevelopment of the Marxist tradition.

Political Economy (general)

Cambridge Journal of Economics: The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in 1977 in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, provides a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues.

Contributions to Political Economy: provides a forum for the academic discussion of original ideas and arguments drawn from important critical traditions in economic analysis. Articles fall broadly within the lines of thought associated with the work of the Classical political economists: Marx, Keynes, and Sraffa. While the majority of articles are theoretical and historical in emphasis, the journal welcomes articles of a more applied character.

International Papers in Political Economy: IPPE publishes longer articles (15,000 words) in the broad area of political economy. Editors: Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer.

International Review of Applied Economics: IRAE publishes articles in the area of applied, policy-oriented economics. It adopts a broadly left-of-centre perspective on economic policy, but within that perspective it is not identified with any specific theoretical or political position. It encourages articles dealing with policy issues and adopting theoretical positions on current issues which are neglected ion mainstream journals.

Journal of Australian Political Economy: JAPE provides an alternative voice on economic analysis and policy from a political economy perspective. It focuses especially, but not exclusively, on issues pertinent to Australia. JAPE aims for compromise between scholarly standards and broader accessibility.

New Left Review: world politics and the global economy; state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory; history and philosophy; cinema and literature; heterodox art and aesthetics. It stands resolutely opposed to Third Way pieties and neoliberal prescriptions, combating capital’s current apologists with sharp and scholarly analysis, internationalist critique, polemic and experiential prose.

New Political Economy: a multi-disciplinary academic journal seeking to bridge past empirical and conceptual divides to cast light on the new world order.

Review of African Political Economy: left journal on Africa examining: the politics of imperialism; development; agrarian, popular and democratic struggles; class, gender and social justice.

Review of Black Political Economy: examines issues related to the economic status of African-American and Third World peoples. It identifies and analyzes policy prescriptions designed to reduce racial economic inequality. The journal is devoted to appraising public and private policies for their ability to advance economic opportunities without regard to their theoretical or ideological origins.

Review of International Political Economy: an international journal which adopts a global and interdisciplinary approach. In exploring international trade, finance, production and consumption in conjunction with issues of culture, identity, gender and ecology, RIPE promotes a critical engagement with the changing nature of state and society. Emphasis is placed on emerging debates concerning the direction of contemporary globalization and altered structures of international governance and regulation. The journal represents a convergence between political economists, geographers, sociologists, and international relations scholars and is committed to the publication of work that is innovative, exploratory and polemical. The journal encourages submissions that seek to situate these substantive concerns in broader debates on the changing nature of political economy and the development of a transdisciplinary social science. RIPE is affiliated with the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) and International Political Economy section of the International Studies Association.

Review of Political Economy: The Review of Political Economy welcomes constructive and critical contributions in all areas of political economy, including the Post Keynesian, Sraffian, Marxian, Austrian and Institutionalist traditions. The Review publishes both theoretical and empirical research, and is also open to submissions in methodology, economic history and the history of economic thought that cast light on issues of contemporary relevance in political economy. The Review has a European orientation.

Studies in Political Economy: an interdisciplinary journal committed to the publication of original work in the various traditions of socialist political economy. Researchers and analysts within these traditions seek to understand how political, economic and cultural processes and struggles interact to shape and reshape the conditions of people’s lives. SPE is especially interested in work by, for and about Canadians, but it aims to be an international journal. It welcomes contributions in every field of political economy and within all the traditions of socialist scholarship, including those which question established paradigms.

Post Keynesian Economics

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics: JPKE is a scholarly journal receptive to innovative theoretical work that can shed fresh light on contemporary economic problems.

Social Economics

International Journal of Social Economics: Increasing economic interaction, allied to the social and political changes evident in many parts of the world, has created a need for more sophisticated understanding of the social, political and cultural influences which govern our societies. The International Journal of Social Economics provides its readers with a unique forum for the exchange and sharing of information in this complex area. Philosophical discussions of research findings combine with commentary on international developments in social economics to make a genuinely valuable contribution to current understanding of the subject and the growth of new ideas.

Journal of Socio-Economics: an interdisciplinary journal aimed toward academicians, both inside and outside the economics discipline, and to practitioners in business,government and nonprofit organizations. The two goals of The Journal are to: 1. further knowledge of real economic phenomena by integrating psychological and sociological variables into economic analysis and 2. promote interdisciplinary research by academicians and practitioners dealing in economics, the behavioral sciences, and public policy. The JOURNAL is particularly interested in articles which reflect the visions of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE); the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE); and the Law and Socio-Economics Section of The Association of American Law Schools (AALS).

Review of Social Economy: ROSE investigates the relationships between social values and economics and the relation of economics to ethics, and focuses upon the social economy that encompasses the market economy. The journal is sponsored by the Association for Social Economics, by charter a pluralistic organization that accommodates different approaches to econoics. Among the themes pursued are justice, need, poverty, cooperation, income distribution, solidarism, equality, freedom, dignity, community, pragmatism, gender, environment, economic institutions, humanism, economic methodology, and the work of past social economists. Papers published in the journal are empirical and theoretical. For further information visit

Journals with some heterodox content (General)

Eastern Economic Journal: publishes papers, written from every perspective, in all areas of economics. It welcomes manuscripts that are methodological and philosophical as well as empirical and theoretical. Readability and general interest are major factors in publication decision.

Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy: a forum for scholarly research on regional and urban policy making and its empirical foundations. It is interdisciplinary in scope and seeks both theoretical and empirical investigations dealing with facets of regional and urban economic development in both domestic and international contexts. Contributions which reflect environmental concerns and the international implications of regional and urban development are especially encouraged.

International Review of Applied Economics: devoted to the practical applications of economic ideas. Applied economics is widely interpreted to embrace empirical work and the application of economics to the evaluation and development of economic policies. The interaction between empirical work and economic policy is an important feature of the journal. Although the International Review of Applied Economics associates itself broadly with the non-neo-classical tradition, it is does not identify itself with any specific theoretical or political position.

Intervention Journal of Economics: provides a forum for heterodox approaches – heterodox in the sense of a demarcation from the prevailing mainstream in economics. The aims of such a forum are mutual exchange and the discussion of different perspectives from different economic schools. The journal therefore is not committed to a single paradigm. Editors, scientific board and authors rather share a critical position towards the current mainstream.

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization: devoted to theoretical and empirical research concerning economic decision, organization and behavior and to economic change in all its aspects. Its specific purposes are to foster an improved understanding of how human cognitive, computational and informational characteristics influence the working of economic organizations and market economies and how an economy’s structural features lead to various types of micro and macro behavior, to changing patterns of development and to institutional evolution. Research with these purposes that explore the interrelations of economics with other disciplines such as biology, psychology, law, anthropology, sociology and mathematics is particularly welcome. The journal is eclectic as to research method; systematic observation and careful description, simulation modeling and mathematical analysis are all within its purview. Empirical work, including controlled laboratory experimentation, that probes close to the core of the issues in theoretical dispute is encouraged.

Journal of Economic Psychology: presents research that will improve understanding of behavioral, especially socio-psychological, aspects of economic phenomena and processes. The Journal seeks to be a channel for the increased interest in using behavioral science methods for the study of economic behavior, and so to contribute to better solutions of societal problems, by stimulating new approaches and new theorizing about economic affairs. Economic psychology as a discipline studies the psychological mechanisms that underlie consumption and other economic behavior. It deals with preferences, choices, decisions, and factors influencing these, as well as the consequences of decisions and choices with respect to the satisfaction of needs. This includes the impact of external economic phenomena upon human behavior and well-being. Studies in economic psychology may relate to different levels of aggregation, from the household and the individual consumer to the macro level of whole nations. Economic behavior in connection with inflation, unemployment, taxation, economic development, as well as consumer information and economic behavior in the market place are thus the major fields of interest.

Journal of Income Distribution: aims to facilitate communication and discussion of research in the field of social economics and particularly in the sphere of the distribution of income and wealth. Its intention is to provide an international forum for the dissemination of the results of scholarly work in this field. It offers empirical research and theoretical perspectives from all branches of the social sciences, representing all points of view within economics.

Journal of World-Systems Research: JWSR is an electronic journal dedicated to scholarly research on the modern world-system and earlier, smaller intersocietal networks. It is intentionally interdisciplinary in focus.

Metroeconomica: a journal of analytical economics that provides an international forum for debate among competing theories and research programs, going beyond the traditional emphasis on market equilibrium/disequilibrium by focusing on economic process in real time, addressing the role of social institutions, technical change and income distribution, emphasizing the behavioural foundations of economics and from other disciplines, and exploring methodological innovations in economics and related disciplines. The journal is open to empirical contributions related to the above themes.

Journals with some heterodox content (Development)

Development and Change: covers a broad range of topics and publishes articles from all the social sciences and all intellectual persuasions concerned with development. With a mix of regular and special theme issues, Development and Change is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of the complete spectrum of development issues.

World Development: a multi-disciplinary monthly journal of development studies. It seeks to explore ways of improving standards of living, and the human condition generally, by examining potential solutions to problems such as: poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, disease, illiteracy, lack of shelter, environmental degradation, inadequate scientific and technological resources, trade and payments imbalances, international debt, gender and ethnic discrimination, violation of human rights, militarism and civil conflict, and lack of popular participation in economic and political life.

Journals with some heterodox content (History and History of Thought)

Economics and Philosophy: The disciplines of economics and philosophy each possess their own special analytical methods, whose combination is powerful and fruitful. Each discipline can be enriched by the other. Economics and Philosophy aims to promote their mutual enrichment by publishing articles and book reviews in all areas linking these subjects. Topics include the methodology and epistemology of economics, the foundations of decision theory and game theory, the nature of rational choice in general, historical work on economics with a philosophical purpose, ethical issues in economics, the use of economic techniques in ethical theory, and many other subjects.

European Journal of the History of Economic Thought: entirely pluralist and non-partisan with regard to subjects and methodologies – it does not subscribe to any particular current of thought, nor relate to any one geographic zone.

History of Economics Review: published by the History of Economics Thought Society of Australia.

History of Political Economy: each issue contains original research on the development of economic thought, the historical background behind major figures in the history of economics, the interpretation of economic theories, and the methodologies available to historians of economic theory.

Journal of Economic Methodology: JEM aims to provide a forum for high quality and exciting articles which reflect the increasing interest in economic methodology. The Journal does not endorse or promote any single methodological position. It takes a broad view of methodology and addresses to a wide range of diverse issues.

Journal of the History of Economic Thought: promotes interest in and inquiry into the history of economics and related parts of intellectual history, facilitates communication and discourse among scholars working in the field of the history of economics, and disseminates knowledge about the history of economics. JHET therefore encourages and makes available research in the fields of history of economic thought and the history of economic methodology.