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At AFEE we are dedicated to the advancement of an institutional perspective within economics. To help our visitors we suggest the resources listed in this section and the associated pages for your attention. If you believe a journal should be listed, or you find a broken link, please contact us.

Association For Institutional Thought (AFIT): Institutional group with an annual conference and a commitment to heterodox undergraduate economics education.

Association for Social Economics (ASE): Founded in 1941, the ASE welcomes academics and practitioners who regard economic behavior to be the result of complex social interactions with ethical consequences. Some of its aims and objectives are, to foster research and publication centered on the reciprocal relationship between economics and broader questions of human dignity, ethical values, and social philosophy; to encourage the efforts of all scholars who are dedicated to exploring the ethical presuppositions and implications of economic analysis

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE): formed to promote evolutionary, dynamic and realistic approaches to economic theory and policy. Instead of the over-formalistic and often empty theorising of orthodox economics, the aim is to bring together the ideas of a number of theorists and theoretical traditions, and to help to develop a more realistic approach to theory and policy.

Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics (JAFEE):an effort to innovate new economics by delving into the evolutionary mechanism of systems, organizations and technology.

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE): socio-economics begins with the assumption that economics is not a self-contained system, but is embedded in society, polity, and culture. Socio-economics regards competition as a subsystem encapsulated within a societal context that contains values, power relations, and social networks.

Journal of Economic Issues: JEI is an international journal of institutional and evolutionary economics, publishing articles that deal with basic economic problems, economic policy, methodology, the organization and control of economies, and specialized fields of economics.

Journal of Evolutionary Economics: provides an international forum for a new approach to economics. Following the tradition of Joseph A. Schumpeter, it is designed to focus on original research with an evolutionary conception of the economy. The journal will publish articles with a strong emphasis on dynamics, changing structures (including technologies, institutions, beliefs and behaviours) and disequilibrium processes with an evolutionary perspective (innovation, selection, imitation, etc.). It favours interdisciplinary analysis and is devoted to theoretical, methodological and applied work.

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review: issued by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics to provide an international forum for new theoretical and empirical approaches to evolutionary and institutional economics. The Review, free from the view of equilibrium economics and methodological individualism, should face the diversity of human behavior and dynamic transformation of institutions. In the Review, ‘economics’ is used in its broadest sense. It covers from the classic research in economic history, economic thought, economic theory, and management science to emerging research fields such as economic sociology, bio-economics, evolutionary game theory, agent-based modeling, complex systems study, econo-physics, experimental economics, and so on. The Review believes that a truly interdisciplinary discussion is needed to propel the investigation in the dynamic process of socio-economical change where institutions as emergent outcomes of human actions do matter.

Journal of Institutional Economics published by JOIE Foundation.The Journal of Institutional Economics is a an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money, households and other vital institutions and organizations.

Non-English Journals Devoted to Institutionalist Research

Revista De Economia Institucional (in Spanish) a biannual publication that has the purpose to stimulate research related with political economy, economy and philosophy, law and economics, economic history and theory of games, within the theoretical bases of institutional economics. Revista de Economía Institucional is written in Spanish, although we publish Spanish versions of articles in English, French and Italian.

Scholarly Journals Sympathetic to Institutionalist Research

Cambridge Journal of Economics: The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in 1977 in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, provides a forum for theoretical, applied, policy and methodological research into social and economic issues.

Contributions to Political Economy: provides a forum for the academic discussion of original ideas and arguments drawn from important critical traditions in economic analysis. Articles fall broadly within the lines of thought associated with the work of the Classical political economists: Marx, Keynes, and Sraffa. While the majority of articles are theoretical and historical in emphasis, the journal welcomes articles of a more applied character.

Development and Change: covers a broad range of topics and publishes articles from all the social sciences and all intellectual persuasions concerned with development. With a mix of regular and special theme issues, Development and Change is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of the complete spectrum of development issues.

Eastern Economic Journal: publishes papers, written from every perspective, in all areas of economics. It welcomes manuscripts that are methodological and philosophical as well as empirical and theoretical. Readability and general interest are major factors in publication decision.

Feminist Economics: provides an open forum for dialogue and debate about feminist economic perspectives. By opening new areas of economic inquiry, welcoming diverse voices, and encouraging critical exchanges, the journal enlarges and enriches economic discourse. The goal of Feminist Economics is not just to develop more illuminating theories, but to improve the conditions of living for all children, women, and men.

Forum for Social Economics: Founded in 1971, the FSE is a high-quality peer-reviewed (double-blind), international academic journal sponsored by the Association for Social Economics (ASE). It is committed to the development of social economics as a values-based, complex and policy-oriented science in the service of the common good. The Forum is especially interested in papers that are realistic in their outlook, pluralistic in their approach, concerned with interdependent agents and take account of the institutional and evolutionary nature of the economy.

Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy: a forum for scholarly research on regional and urban policy making and its empirical foundations. It is interdisciplinary in scope and seeks both theoretical and empirical investigations dealing with facets of regional and urban economic development in both domestic and international contexts. Contributions which reflect environmental concerns and the international implications of regional and urban development are especially encouraged.

History of Political Economy: each issue contains original research on the development of economic thought, the historical background behind major figures in the history of economics, the interpretation of economic theories, and the methodologies available to historians of economic theory. Some online version available.

International Journal of Social Economics: Increasing economic interaction, allied to the social and political changes evident in many parts of the world, has created a need for more sophisticated understanding of the social, political and cultural influences which govern our societies. The International Journal of Social Economics provides its readers with a unique forum for the exchange and sharing of information in this complex area. Philosophical discussions of research findings combine with commentary on international developments in social economics to make a genuinely valuable contribution to current understanding of the subject and the growth of new ideas.

International Papers in Political Economy: IPPE publishes longer articles (15,000 words) in the broad area of political economy. Editors: Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer.

International Review of Applied Economics: devoted to the practical applications of economic ideas. Applied economics is widely interpreted to embrace empirical work and the application of economics to the evaluation and development of economic policies. The interaction between empirical work and economic policy is an important feature of the journal. Although the International Review of Applied Economics associates itself broadly with the non-neo-classical tradition, it is does not identify itself with any specific theoretical or political position.

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization: devoted to theoretical and empirical research concerning economic decision, organization and behavior and to economic change in all its aspects. Its specific purposes are to foster an improved understanding of how human cognitive, computational and informational characteristics influence the working of economic organizations and market economies and how an economy’s structural features lead to various types of micro and macro behavior, to changing patterns of development and to institutional evolution. Research with these purposes that explore the interrelations of economics with other disciplines such as biology, psychology, law, anthropology, sociology and mathematics is particularly welcome. The journal is eclectic as to research method; systematic observation and careful description, simulation modeling and mathematical analysis are all within its purview. Empirical work, including controlled laboratory experimentation, that probes close to the core of the issues in theoretical dispute is encouraged.

Journal of Economic Methodology: JEM aims to provide a forum for high quality and exciting articles which reflect the increasing interest in economic methodology. The Journal does not endorse or promote any single methodological position. It takes a broad view of methodology and addresses to a wide range of diverse issues.

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics: JPKE is a scholarly journal receptive to innovative theoretical work that can shed fresh light on contemporary economic problems.

Journal of World-Systems Research: JWSR is an electronic journal dedicated to scholarly research on the modern world-system and earlier, smaller intersocietal networks. It is intentionally interdisciplinary in focus.

Metroeconomica: a journal of analytical economics that provides an international forum for debate among competing theories and research programs, going beyond the traditional emphasis on market equilibrium/disequilibrium by focusing on economic process in real time, addressing the role of social institutions, technical change and income distribution, emphasizing the behavioural foundations of economics and from other disciplines, and exploring methodological innovations in economics and related disciplines. The journal is open to empirical contributions related to the above themes.

Review of International Political Economy: an international journal which adopts a global and interdisciplinary approach. In exploring international trade, finance, production and consumption in conjunction with issues of culture, identity, gender and ecology, RIPE promotes a critical engagement with the changing nature of state and society. Emphasis is placed on emerging debates concerning the direction of contemporary globalization and altered structures of international governance and regulation. The journal represents a convergence between political economists, geographers, sociologists, and international relations scholars and is committed to the publication of work that is innovative, exploratory and polemical. The journal encourages submissions that seek to situate these substantive concerns in broader debates on the changing nature of political economy and the development of a transdisciplinary social science. RIPE is affiliated with the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) and International Political Economy section of the International Studies Association.

Review of Political Economy: The Review of Political Economy welcomes constructive and critical contributions in all areas of political economy, including the Post Keynesian, Sraffian, Marxian, Austrian and Institutionalist traditions. The Review publishes both theoretical and empirical research,and is also open to submissions in methodology, economic history and the history of economic thought that cast light on issues of contemporary relevance in political economy. The Review has a European orientation.

Review of Radical Political Economics: RRPE encourages articles from all perspectives within a broad definition of radical political economics. If an article is within this general framework, the editors of the RRPE are committed to judging it on its merits and scholarship, not in terms of the political point-of-view of the author(s).

Review of Social Economy: ROSE investigates the relationships between social values and economics and the relation of economics to ethics, and focuses upon the social economy that encompasses the market economy. The journal is sponsored by the Association for Social Economics, by charter a pluralistic organization that accommodates different approaches to econoics. Among the themes pursued are justice, need, poverty, cooperation, income distribution, solidarism, equality, freedom, dignity, community, pragmatism, gender, environment, economic institutions, humanism, economic methodology, and the work of past social economists. Papers published in the journal are empirical and theoretical.

World Development: a multi-disciplinary monthly journal of development studies. It seeks to explore ways of improving standards of living, and the human condition generally, by examining potential solutions to problems such as: poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, disease, illiteracy, lack of shelter, environmental degradation, inadequate scientific and technological resources, trade and payments imbalances, international debt, gender and ethnic discrimination, violation of human rights, militarism and civil conflict, and lack of popular participation in economic and political life.