The Journal of Economic Issues – Editor’s Prize 2022

Clotilde Champeyrache

“Institutional Mistrust, Instrumental Trust, and the Privatization of Law: The Mafia as a Territorial Ruler.”  Volume LVI (56), Number 4 December 2022. Pp 945-957.

Affiliation: Department of Criminology ESDR#C, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris France

Short Bio: Clotilde Champeyrache specializes in the economics of crime. She is a lecturer at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Security-Defense-Intelligence Division, ESDR3C team.

Her research focuses on organized crime, particularly mafia crime, and on the criminal infiltration of the legal economy. She has published numerous articles in economics and geopolitics on these topics as well as books such as Quand la mafia se légalise. Pour une approche économique institutionnaliste (CNRS Editions, 2016), La face cachée de l’économie. Néolibéralisme et criminalités (PUF, 2019) and Géopolitique des mafias (Le Cavalier bleu, 2022). She is currently working with the publisher Routledge on a book project entitled: Economics of Organized Crime: An Original Institutional Approach.




Past JEI Editor’s Prize awardees:

2021 Sasha Breger Bush, “Food Deserts and Supermarket Culture in Denver Colorado” Journal of Economic Issues. Volume 55, number 3, 697-716.

Carlo Dellora “Treating Consumption: How the Social Costs of Chain Stores Affect Consumers” Volume 55, number 3, 717-735.

2020 Quentin Duroy and Jon D. Wisman, “The Proletarianization of the Professoriate and the Threat to Free Expression, Creativity, and Economic Dynamism” Journal of Economics Issues, Volume LIV, Number 3, September 2020

2019 Thomas Masterson, Ajit Zacharias, Fernando Rios-Avila, and Edward N. Wolff;  “The Great Recession and Racial Inequality: Evidence from Measures of Economic Wellbeing” : Journal of Economic Issues, Volume LIII, Number 4, December 2019

2018  Natalia Bracarense and Karol Gil-Vasquez; “Bolivia’s Institutional Transformation: Contact Zones, Social Movements, and the Emergence of an Ethnic Class Consciousness”  Volume LII, Number 3, September 2018









MURIEL PÉRISSE,Université d’Artois Faculté EGASS-Master GRH-MTRH

“Labor Law in China: How Does It Contribute to the Economic Security of the Workforce? A Commonsian Reading.”

Volume LI; Number 1, March 2017





Spencer Thompson, Univeristy of Cambridge

“Worker’s Cooperatives in the Theory of the Firm: Marx and Veblen on Technological Determinism”

December 2016 issue, Volume 50, Number 4


1 Marianne Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
“Harold Groves, Wisconsin Institutionalism, and Postwar Public Finance.”
September 2015 issue, Volume 49, Number 3.
2 Philip Ashton, University of Illinois-at Chicago.
“The Evolving juridical Space of Harm/Value: Remedial Powers in the Subprime Crisis.” December 2014 issue, Volume 48, Number 4.
3 JongChul Kim, Sogang University.
“Modern Politics as a Trust Scheme and its Relevance to Modern Banking.”
December 2015, Volume 47, number 4.