Upon completion of one year of service on the Board of Directors as the Past President, each Past President shall become a member of the Board of Trustees of the Association and shall remain a Trustee for life as long as he/she is a member in good standing of the Association. ( AFEE Bylaws, Article VIII )

Gary Dymski 2023
Mary Wrenn 2022
John Watkins 2021
David Zalewski 2020
Charles Whalen 2019
Geoffrey Schneider 2018
Deborah Figart 2017
Janet Knoedler
President-pro tem to fill vacancy left by death of Frederic Lee
– 2016
Frederic Lee 2016 –
Janet Knoedler 2015
Phillip O’Hara 2014
James K Galbraith 2013
Janice Peterson 2012
Robert Prasch 2011
Dell Champlin 2010
Malcom Rutherford 2009
Glen Atkinson 2008
Geoff Hodgson 2007
Charles M.A. Clark 2006
William Waller 2005
James Peach 2004
James Swaney 2003
Rodney Stevenson 2002
Yngve Ramstad 2001
Ronnie Phillips 2000
James Ronald Stanfield 1999
William M. Dugger 1998
John Groenewegen 1997
Vernon M. Briggs, Jr. 1996
F. Gregory Hayden 1995
John Adams 1994
Marc R. Tool 1993
James I. Sturgeon 1992
Paul D. Bush 1991
John R. Munkirs 1990
Edythe S. Miller 1989
Dilmus D. James 1988
Anne Mayhew 1987
Milton D. Lower 1986
David S. Schwartz 1985
Wendell C. Gordon 1984
James H. Street 1983
Walter C. Neale 1982
Jack Barbash 1981
Dudley Dillard 1980
David D. Martin 1979
Philip A. Klein 1978
Wallace Peterson 1977
Seymour Melman 1976
Willard F. Mueller 1975
Harry M. Trebing 1974
David B. Hamilton 1973
Daniel R. Fusfeld 1972
Ben B. Seligman 1971
Joseph Dorfman 1970
Allan G. Gruchy 1969
John S. Gambs 1968
Clarence E. Ayres 1967